Published on April 9, 2004 By Mrs Jesus In Welcome
Is it just me or is everybody my age completely BORED? All my peers are so totally fucking bored by their lives that they are all either creping around ("Red blooded woman" style) behind their partner's back, getting pissed at every available opportunity or eating themselves happy (but ending up very unhappy indeed with the result.) No-one seems to be going for drugs, which is nice in one way but a shame in another because if you're going to burn out it's preferable to do it surrounded by syringes and scorched spoons than by Curly Wurly and Cruchie wrappers.

I personally am idulging in two of the above delights and I don't really seem to be able to do anything about it!

Well, perhaps I'm just weak willed. Who knows/cares?

Suggestions on the back of a postcard.

Laters kids.

on Apr 09, 2004
What's with the name?

I'm 18 and I live with two 24 year olds, and yeah, they get pretty bored. What's the deal with that?

on Apr 09, 2004
It's the quarter life crisis. With everything whizzing round so quickly these days, you're catapulted to the pinacle of your career by the time you're 23, back at University trying to recapture the heady days of your late teens (and failing) by the time you're 24 and on the social scrapheap by 25.
Also, you've usually settled down (far too early) with someone only vaguely appropriate but feel to old to get back into the dating game. If 50 is the new 40, 25 is definitely the new 40, which is very odd because 35 is the new 25. - that's why the characters on Sex and the City have more fun than me and all my friends put together. Roll on 2014 - by which point I'll be 35 and hopefully no longer bored.
Re your flatmates, they're teetering on the brink of a boredom bonanza by the sounds of it. I'd head for the hills before you get infected. Enjoy fun while you still can.

The name, well - just something I picked up on my travels.
on Apr 09, 2004
25 is about the age your start getting tired of doing the bar/club scene constantly, and would like to do more adult activities.  However some of your friends will still be into the bar thing, and others might be the otehr side of the spectrum, like married and too-adult.